AFSCME Members Across Florida Cheer Hillary Clinton Endorsement

Earlier today, the 1.6-million-member American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), AFL-CIO, endorsed Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton for President of the United States. AFSCME’s 35-person International Executive Board voted overwhelmingly today to follow the guidance of members based on feedback collected over the past six months, including polling data showing nearly two thirds of AFSCME members would vote for Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary.

“What we heard throughout our endorsement process is that AFSCME members want a candidate who is committed to fixing our out-of-balance economy and raising incomes for hardworking people who are still struggling to make ends meet. Members want a candidate who will make it easier instead of harder to join together in strong unions and stand together for wages and benefits that can sustain our families,” AFSCME President Lee Saunders. “What we also heard was AFSCME members want the candidate who will be the most effective champion for working families, and who will be able to deliver a victory in this critically important election. AFSCME members believe that candidate is Hillary Clinton.”

Throughout the endorsement process, AFSCME members across Florida, where the union represents more than 90,000 workers, were strong supporters of Secretary Clinton.

“Hillary Clinton has a proven record of standing up for families like mine,” said Pelayo Rodriguez, a traffic signal and signs technician from Miami and a member of AFSCME Local 199. “She understands that our country does better when we all do better and that starts with tackling the crisis of income inequality.”

“Our country cannot continue on the path where Americans like me are working harder than ever while corporate profits skyrocket and CEO compensation hits the stratosphere,” said Mike Ebersole from Sarasota, a highway maintenance tech specialist with the Florida Department of Transportation and a member of AFSCME Local 3106. “I support Secretary Clinton because after studying her economic plan and policy proposals I know that is the type of leader our country needs.”

AFSCME members know grassroots organizing is the only answer to the hundreds of millions of dollars that will be poured into this election by the same CEOs and corporations that rig economic rules in their favor. Members felt strongly that it was time to begin turning out friends and neighbors to cast a ballot Hillary Clinton and get involved in the 2016 elections.

“This wasn't a hard choice for me at all. It came down to who is the person I trust to do what is right on issues like our country’s health care, my retirement and creating an economy that my children will thrive in,” said Elton Brown from Jacksonville, a school head custodian and member of AFSCME Local 2941. “Hillary is that candidate - hands down.”

“Elections are about the future, about electing leaders to fulfill the promises we make to ourselves and our children to make this country better through our lives, about ensuring the American Dream exists for the next generation to achieve and not for historians to discuss,” said Andy Madtes, Executive Director for AFSCME Florida 979 Organizing Committee. “As the organization committed to building a better Florida through public service, AFSMCE members are ready to knock the doors, make the phone calls and do the all the hard work necessary to elect Hillary Clinton as America’s next president.”

“Hillary Clinton is a name that is known and trusted for retirees across Florida because she has defended Social Security from attempts to cut or privatize the program, is campaigning on policies that will allow today’s workers to retire with dignity and is focused on making America’s future as bright as possible,” said Carol Ann Loehndorf of West Palm Beach, president of AFSCME Florida’s retiree chapter.

Members across Florida are committed to turning today’s endorsement into action through a robust campaign to engage AFSCME families, coworkers and communities to elect Secretary Clinton. This campaign will include aggressive voter contact, community events and working with allies throughout the community to register, persuade and turn out voters for candidates up and down the ballot.