Stewards Thanked for Making the Union Strong

Miami-Dade County’s Jackson Health System doesn’t run itself. It takes the dedication and commitment of the thousands of men and women who deliver all patients a high standard of care and service regardless of their ability to pay. It is the mission of AFSCME Local 1363 to ensure the staff who keep the system running receive the dignity, support and benefits they deserve.

But who keeps Local 1363 strong? Like all locals, that is largely dependent on the stewards who serve as the front line for helping members resolve issues, recruit new members into the union and to ensure the contract is upheld.

That is why recently the stewards of Local 1363 were thanked for the critical role they place in a special luncheon held at the office in Miami Springs.

“Today is all about you because you are the key to the strength, the success and the very future of what we work so hard to achieve,” said Local 1363 President Viviene Dixon Shim. “By signing up the new employee starting today, by winning that case that is taking extra work, we make this a union that is respected and that people want to be a part of not just today but next week and next year. And that strength with the next generation is what will make sure all that we achieve is not just protected but built upon.”

Stewards were recognized, one by one, for the successes each of them contributed to. Along the way everyone got to know more of the personalities, hopes and passion that make Local 1363 such a powerful force in the community.

Each steward got their photo taken and got to choose from a variety of holiday-themed food and beverages they could take home with them.

“It really means a lot to me that they have something like this to show they don’t just understand what we do but they appreciate it as well,” said Gregory Adebaworin. “And it also helps tremendously to get us all together to share what has worked, and what has not, so we can learn from each other, build new connections and brainstorm for the work that must be done in 2017.”